Victory Day-79 awards application

    *****Text on awards*****

    Enter the call sign or name. It will be written on diplomas.

    *****Contact details of the applicant*****

    Enter your call sign. Your personal account in the awards issuance system will be linked to it.

    Enter your Last Name and First Name. They will be needed to register in your personal account in the awards issuance system.

    Enter your email address. Using it, you will be able to register in the system and receive diplomas in your personal account.

    *****Claimed points/QSO*****

    Enter the number of points for QSO/SWL with memorial radio stations on HF bands

    Enter the number of points for QSO/SWL with memorial radio stations on VHF bands

    Enter the number of QSO/SWL with memorial radio stations from the Hero Cities of the USSR

    Enter the number of QSO/SWL with memorial radio stations of the Cities of military glory of the Russian Federation

    Enter the number of QSO/SWL with memorial radio stations of the Cities of labor valor of the Russian Federation

    Enter the application notes for the organizer (if necessary)

    Thank you for participating in the events of the Russian Amateur Radio Union!

    Confirmation of acceptance of the application will be sent to the e-mail address that you specified as the applicant's e-mail address.

    Verification characters


    Enter verification characters

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